Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Release date for Liberation via Pen!

Wild Child Publishing will release Liberation via Pen, my short women's fiction, on May 26! Yay! You can even preorder a download now.
Here's the story blurb:
Krista's perfect happiness bubble bursts when Ethan tells her goodbye. Numbed at her new job, she soon faces an even colder dismissal. Only the hungry mews of her cat, Verisimilitude, snap her from her funk. A new beginning at a local book store brightens when cute Todd invites her to a writer's meeting.
As Krista commits the story of her soured relationship to paper, elements come clear: Ethan's manipulation, her capitulation, an amoeba-like existence. Setting her emotions on paper empowers her, helping her redefine herself. Todd becomes her mentor.
But just when things are finally going right, it all threatens to come apart. Ethan's back, wanting his share of book profits. And Krista. She's ready to take a chance with Todd, but is it too late?