Saturday, December 12, 2009

Booksigning in Harrisburg next Saturday!

On Saturday, Dec. 19, from 3 to 5 p.m., I'll be at the Midtown Scholar in Harrisburg, PA, signing away copies of Picture This and One Soul for Sale. Anyone who purchases a print copy will receive a free book thong, while supplies last. If you're in central PA, I hope you'll come by. My novellas make perfect holiday gifts! And you can always buy one for yourself, too. There's nothing better than snuggling up with a book on a cold winter's day.

So mark your calendars, and spread the word:
Dec. 19, 3-5 p.m.
The Midtown Scholar, 1302 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102

A brief description appears on the Midtown Scholar's site but please note, they still list their old address on their web site. The shop is now directly across from The Broad Street Market on Third.

Hope to see you there! If you can't make it that day, The Midtown Scholar has several copies of One Soul for Sale and Picture This for sale, so get 'em while you can! Or you can always order copies from Amazon - both are linked to my Amazon Author Page.

Closeup of bookmarks (no two alike)