Susan: I’m a full time school teacher longing to be a full time writer. I have two romance series under the pen name, Susan Kelley, and a fantasy series under my real name, Susan Gourley.
Cate: Tell us about Beyond the Gate and where it's available.
Susan: Beyond the Gate is book #2 in The Futhark Chronicles. It’s available at all major online retailers.
Cate: Please tantalize us with a story blurb or excerpt.
Susan: Cage Stone and Keeper Sabelline Shelton begin the dangerous journey to reset the seals and halt the demon invasion of Futhark. But nothing is as it should be. Cage’s keen senses guide them to a place previously unknown to mankind. Here Cage will discover some bitter truths about his past, and he and Sabelline will learn how truly desperate is the future for mankind. Racing to help their friends save Futhark, both know their only chance is for Cage to give up his humanity.
Cate: Sounds like a great epic tale. Can you tell us why we're going to love your hero?

Cate: Sounds like a hero any reader would love to take a journey with. Tease us with one little thing about your fictional world that makes it different from others.
Susan: Futhark is an island kingdom where only humans have lived for years. In Beyond the Gate, the citizens will learn they are not alone and that Futhark was once a land with great magic. The people on Futhark will battle an evil they don’t understand and have greatly underestimated.
Cate: What's next for you?
Susan: In 2012, the third book in this series, Beneath the Mountain, will continue the tale and later in 2012, the fourth and final book will be released. The second book in my Tigers of Salubria romance series will hopefully be available in 2012 also. I have a second fantasy series in the works also and almost ready to seek a publisher.
Cate: Congrats! What inspired you to draft your first story?
Susan: I think I had that first book circling around in my head for years before I decided I would write it down. That first draft was terrible with so many mistakes I cringe to think about it. I joined a writing group, went to a conference, found a great critique partner and finally polished it into a publishable manuscript. That book, The Greater Good, is the lead of The Chronicles of Solonia series. It’s four books long and all are available.
Cate: Do you have a writing routine?
Susan: I do most of my writing in the evenings after I get home from school. Usually I work from six until eleven or midnight. I work on blogs during my lunch break at work. I try to do a little something everyday.
Cate: Where can readers find you on the web?
Susan: My blog is http://www.susangourley.blogspot.com/
Cate: Is there anything you’d like to ask our readers?
Susan: I’m very interested in how many readers are now buying their books as ebooks. I also like to know what readers think of series. I know fantasy fans love series as long as they’re available in a timely fashion. Do romance readers feel the same way about series?
Cate: Readers, Susan is giving away a book to a random commenter... so start commenting. January 20th, she will pick a winner, who can select The Keepers of Futhark, book #1 of The Futhark Chronicles or any of her four romance novels in The Chronicles of Solonia.
Thanks for being my guest Susan! Best of luck to you.