I love finding little treasures in Google searches. Today I happened across Review Your Book's 4-star review of The Duende and the Muse:
"Have you ever wondered how you get your inspiration to work hard in life to accomplish great things? Maybe you get your inspiration from a Muse, those who use magic and charms to inspire others, or a Duende, who uses magic, charm, fire and is part demon. A Muse and a Duende had never been able to work together to ignite the fire of inspiration in a person, until now.
The Duende and the Muse by Cate Masters was awe-inspiring. A muse wasn’t able to accomplish a task in four months, but when working together with a Duende, the task was complete in a short amount of days. I love how Cate Masters could make two opposites work together. I disliked how at some points she could have made things more clear by explaining a little more in some areas, but other than that, I love this short story."
I wish she'd explained a little more about what needed explaining, but, other than that, I love this review! Especially the "awe-inspiring" part - awesome! Thanks, Debra!