Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RoRR Contest Winners

I apologize for the late post, but I spent the day in the ER with my dear hubby, who's still in the hospital. :( I hope to bring him home tomorrow.
And now, finally, here are the winners of my releases. Thanks to all who commented, and helped make my author day a great day!
Seventh Heaven: Gail
The Duende and the Muse: Deidre
Liberation via Pen: fcammer2
One Soul for Sale: no entries :(
The Lure of the Vine: no entries :(
Going with Gravity: Loretta Canton
Picture This: Christy M
Wilderness Girl: Val
Congrats to all! I hope you enjoy the stories, and if you do, please don't hesitate to leave a review on the publisher's site, or email me - I'd love to hear from you!
With the exception of Val, I will email everyone's PDFs tonight. Please let me know if you don't receive them, I'm a little bleary-eyed tonight!
Val, as soon as I receive my PDF, I'll send it on to you!
Thanks everyone!