Diane Craver gave my blog a Sunshine Award. Thanks Diane!
According to the guidelines, I will:
Put the logo on your blog in my post.
Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
Link the nominees within this post.
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
So here are my twelve Sunshine Award nominees:
Susan Gourley
Laurie J. Edwards
Emma Lai
Helen Hardt
Mary Ricksen
Joanna Aislinn
Rebecca J. Clark
Sharon Donovan
PL Parker
Rachel Brimble
Paty Jager
Alice Audrey

Susan Gourley gave my blog the Circle of Friends Award. Thanks Susan!
I've strived to visit other authors' blogs. It’s been great to open my blog to feature other authors to widen the circle of friends, too.
To widen your circle of friends, I hope you’ll visit these great blogs:
Chiron O’Keefe’s The Write Soul
The Susquehanna Writers
E. Nina Rothe
Julia Smith
And finally, the trickiest of the three. The Best Liar Award. Good thing this is in print, because I don't have a good poker face. Per the rules, I will:

2: Add the award to your blog.
3: Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and One Truth.
4: Nominate six creative liars... I mean writers and post links to them.
5: Let your nominees know that they have been nominated.
Okay. First, Thanks to Ginger Simpson!
The award appears in the lower right corner of my blog.
Next, the seven statements, one of which is truthful. If you think you know which is the truth, leave a comment. If any guess correctly, I'll give one person his or her choice of any of my backlisted titles, which you can find on my web site.
1. I speak fluent French.
2. My great grandfather was a world explorer.
3. I've traveled to three countries.
4. I once was in an all-girl rock band.
5. I've raised prize-winning guinea pigs.
6. A six-foot snake lives in my yard.
7. My poetry appears in college textbooks as examples of fine craftsmanship.
Ahem. The dubious distinction, I mean honor, I now pass along to:
Devil’s Oak
Mike Silvestri
Maggie Dove
Arianna Skye
Beth Trissel
Sandra Sookoo
Congrats guys! As Ginger noted, these awards may make for an extra workload, but anything we do to get our name out on search engines helps promote our work. And like the commercial says, we're worth it!