Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day and Six Sentence Sunday

To all the moms out there - hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! Hope your hubby cooks tonight, or better yet, takes you out to dinner. :)

In honor of Mother's Day, I searched for six sentences that fit the occasion. So here are six from my Native American historical romance novel, Follow the Stars Home. As usual, Mom knows what her daughter's thinking! She's just told Quiet Thunder to stay close to home tonight.

Quiet Thunder swallowed back her argument. Despite wanting to follow Black Bear when he inclined his head toward the darkness surrounding camp, her stomach churned as hesitation fought with deeper urges. His impish grin made him appear as boyish as ever, but today she’d witnessed a new Black Bear emerging from the dust of Mother Earth, breaking free of his youthful, carefree self. She, too, sensed a new Quiet Thunder rising up, filling her spirit with desires she’d never before experienced as she saw Black Bear with new eyes—no longer the eyes of a girl.
At her mother’s command, hesitation would win over yearning. For tonight.

And as usual, teenagers have a way of getting around their parents, lol.

Check out all the amazing Six Sentence Sunday authors here! And thanks, as always, for visiting, and especially for your comments!