Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Changing covers again

Next month, I'll re-release my historical set in 1850s Key West, Florida, called Angels, Sinners and Madmen. I've revised it, and hopefully improved it.

I spent a lot of time searching for the right cover images, and found two that contained the images I wanted and, I thought, would have the right feel. I then spent a lot of time trying to combine them, which turned out like this:

It had the right theme - the ship in a stormy sea, and the couple seeming to be overwhelmed by the waters. But even though I'd invested time and money in the cover, it didn't feel right to me.

So, back to Dreamstime I went. And I decided to change the cover to this:

This image conveys such yearning. I love it. It's much simpler, and cleaner. I thought about adding a tall ship on the horizon to indicate it's a historical, but I like that he's looking out at an empty sea. Though wreckers in 1850s Key West often searched the horizon for ships in distress, this image suggests he's not sure what -- or who -- he's looking for, but is determined to find it (or her?).

And yes, there's the beefcake aspect. :) But while that might (hopefully) attract a reader's eye, it's secondary to me.

What do you think? Any preference?

I'm shooting for August 31 as the re-release date.