Hi Dawn! So glad to have you at Spilling
the Beans, where we can learn a little bit about you, and your book. Grab a
cappuccino and let’s chat. Unless you have another favorite drink (alcoholic or
Iced coffee or cappuccino is fine.
Fur or feathers, petwise?
Scales. I love lizards, but of
course I’d have to say fur, since I also love cats.
Any pet peeves? One thing that
really burns your biscuits?
Plagiarism. Those who do it. Period.
If you can’t write your own stories, don’t.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
My whirlpool bath, a wine cooler and
a good book.
Ahh. Sounds wonderful. Favorite quote?
have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison
Love that. What’s your ideal day like?
If you could live out any fantasy,
what would you do?
I’d time travel—see when and where
history was made, as it happened.
I'll go start the Tardis! :) Beethoven, Beatles, Foo Fighters or
Keith Urban (what type(s) of music makes you rock out)?
Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown,
Godsmack, Stone Sour. Really, it’s usually whatever I’m in the mood for, but
these are my general go-to bands.
Does music influence your writing?
Do you have a music playlist for your book?
Not always. I do listen to the radio
while I write, but I wouldn’t say it always influences me. Only when I wrote My
Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy, did I play specific music, and then I was listening to
Big Band to get in the mood for the ballroom scene.
Which of your characters would you
most/least want to hang out with, and why?
I’d love to hang out with Cori
Valentine, from Cinderella Wore Combat Boots. I’m a vet. It’s a military thing.
While creating your books, what was
one of the most surprising things you learned?
If you hold your breath in space,
your lungs will burst.
Where can readers find out more
about you?
Please share a book blurb and/or
This one is for Last Flight of the
Ark, a science fiction, erotic romance.
Evolution never happened so fast.
Twelve hours outside of Terra II,
Colonel Kaleb Titan, a molecular geneticist and commander of the Ark faces a
life or death choice that could change the fate of mankind.

When their sister ship, the
Genesis II arrives early, Kaleb’s problems compound. As soon as the command
crew of the Genesis II boards, one whiff tells Kaleb they’re not from Earth or
who they appear to be.
When he discovers that they’ve
kept the Genesis II’s crew of over two thousand alive, he begins to believe
their reasons may be far more ominous than anyone could have imagined. However,
he also discovers what’s holding them back. The hijackers seem to be allergic
to canines.
Now they're forced to employ
biological warfare against their own, but will it be enough to save humanity?
History is about to repeat and only one species will survive.
Kaleb ran
his arm under the water and slowly peeled the shirt off. He lifted the fabric
to his nose and sniffed. He could smell her, even under the blood. She’d been
aroused before she’d taken it off, before the wolf had bitten him.
He dropped
it to the floor and stepped into the shower. The water seemed dirty. He could
smell and taste the chemicals used to recycle and filter it. He glanced down at
his arm, expecting to see shredded meat. Instead, small scars puckered up from
where the wolf’s teeth had punctured flesh. He blinked and raised it closer.
Wounds didn’t heal that fast. And people couldn’t smell fear or hear someone’s
heart race from across a lift.
Now that
he was away from her, he could think, and now that he had mental clarity, his
thoughts scared the hell out of him. This couldn’t, shouldn’t, be possible.
He shut the water off and strode
out of the shower, dripping everywhere. He wiped his hand across the mirror and
studied his reflection. Golden eyes stared back: cold, feral, and hungry. He
blinked and looked again. They practically glowed. Had the radiation somehow
merged the wolf’s DNA with his? He ought to know. He was a geneticist.
Everything about the situation screamed mutation. Those eyes weren’t human. His
sight, sense of smell, the urges weren’t human. The hunger wasn’t human. Well,
maybe a little. Eight months of celibacy would make any man hungry.
Thanks for spilling the beans today,
Thanks for having me today and
helping to launch my novel.