Until this month, one sickness or another has hit our household. Thank goodness spring is finally here - somewhat. But that story I swore I'd finish in February? Still waiting for me to work on it. Some new ideas have come to me, but I haven't developed them yet.
Not that I've been idle. My editor has kept me plenty busy with edits for Goddess, Awakened. More intense revisions that resulted in more sections cut and rearranged, and more added. A much different - and improved - version of the original. I'm so looking forward to its release on July 7.
Meanwhile, one of my goals was to have a working draft of another Goddess Connection for the workshop in May. Didn't happen. I do have 27k, and a very rough outline, but I'm shooting for at least 60k.
None of it will happen this weekend either. I'm off to my nephew's wedding in northern NJ, with a reception to follow in New York. I'm so happy for them, and happy to be able to share their special day. I'll have some extra baggage though - a half dozen characters and an unfinished plot.
Do you find it agonizing not to be able to squeeze in writing time?