Monday, March 23, 2015

The prodigal muse

It's usually a good bet that when the blog is quiet, I am busy writing.

I haven't been posting much lately because after an extended absence, my muse has returned, recharged and raring to go. During most of last year, she was a lazy layabout, refusing to stop lollygagging and get to work.

For whatever reason, she's baa-a-ack. Hurrying me along to finish a story I started long ago, and draft a brand new one I've had in my head too long. I'm at about 25k on the older one, and I'm guessing it will top about at 35k or so.

The second one is a different matter. In fact, it's the proverbial horse of a different color. I once described it on Facebook as a cross between Firefly and Little Women, and that still fits as well as anything. It's one of those stories that is so different, I wonder if anyone but me will be interested. But you can only take notes for so long before scenes start to take shape, and from there, the story flows. I'm about 33k into it, with no end in sight.

Not only that, but she's come up with a fantastic idea for another novel. Still in planning stages, but she has my attention. 

So, sorry I can't visit longer. I've gotta stay with the muse as long as I can.

Oh, and I will have a special guest for my Spilling the Beans feature on Thursday, so please stop back and make her feel welcome.

More parties!

I've joined more of them. Today kicks off the Fool for Romance party on Facebook. My day's not till next Monday, but it runs all week long, with authors offering goodies and giveaways. Our grand prize giveaway is a $100 Amazon gift card, so don't miss out - sign up and join in now!