Thursday, April 4, 2019

Happy Spring!

This week, I sent out what may or may not be my final newsletter under the pen name of Cate Masters. If you're a subscriber, I hope you enjoyed the extra goodies! If you didn't receive a copy and would like to, simply drop me a line and I'll send it off to you.

This past year or so, I've been writing under my pen name of C.A. Masterson, the name under which I initially began writing (also my maiden name). Because I love all genres, it made more sense to explore stories in genres other than romance. Romance will always have a special place in my heart, but my writing heart is restless and needs space to expand.

The story I'm currently writing will probably become two full-length novels. There's a lot to explore in this alternate world. I'm not even certain what genre it fits into. The only thing that matters to me is making it the most compelling story possible, with characters readers will love as much as I do.

If you'd like to keep up with news from C.A. Masterson, you can find me here:

Painting Fire with Words blog (more of a web site, really)



Twitter (though I don't tweet much)

and find C.A. Masterson's books (including some freebies!) here:



Barnes and Noble

Have a wonderful spring!