Yay, it's Six Sentence Sunday. Thanks to all who checked out my entry last week. Your comments give me a real boost. :)

She slid down against his chest, her slow smile burning into his heart.
He waited until her form blurred to nothingness beneath the water, then sat watching the moonlight ripple across the surface. In the distance, she leapt from the sea in a twist, making his heart leap, too, before she plunged and disappeared.
He stood. “Cassiopeia.”
Only the breeze through his wet clothes moved him, singing her name in different variations as he stepped along the rocks.
You can read reviews, the excerpt, view the trailer, and even see who I envisioned in the movie roles for Surfacing here.
Check out more wonderfully talented Six Sentence Sunday participants here.
I won't be able to participate next week, but will be back on Feb. 20 with more! And you won't want to miss Feb. 27th, when Six Sentence Sunday throws a birthday bash, with great giveaways, along with the usual great snippets!